Gujatrat Online


Gujarat State Assembly

Ministers's Protfolios

(updated October 10, 2001)

Narendra Modi (BJP) Ministry

Mr Narendra Modi: General administration dept. home, broadcasting, road and building
(excluding capital project and works under panchayats) policy with regard
to planning,, industry, enegry, Narmada, mines and mineral and subjects
not to other ministers)
Cabinet ministers  
1  Mr Suresh Mehta: Industry, Science and Parliamentary Atfairs, tourism and civil aviation. I-T and Salt Industry
2  Mr Nitinbhai Patel Finance
3  Mr Fakirbhai Vaghela Social justice and empowerment
including weflare of scheduled
castes, Prohibition and excise
4  Mr Kanjlbhal Patel Labour and employment
5. Mr Narottambhai Patel Water supply, capital planning and urban housing
6. Ms Anandiben Patel Education (primary, secondary and adult), Women and child welfare
7. Mr Kaushik Patel Power, Petro chemicals and planning.
8. Mr Purushottam Rupala Agriculture
9. Mr I K Jadeja

Health and family welfare, Food and civil supplies.


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